The Elephant in the Room

This post was originally written on March 13th. Things have obviously changed since the writing, and certain things no longer apply (like doing sessions in-home… no sessions are being held right now). I am happy to chat with families about future sessions – just reach out via the Contact button.

It’s time to talk about the elephant in the room (air?)… COVID 19

What am I doing right now, to protect people? The same things I always do (especially in cold and flu season).

  • I thoroughly clean the studio & surfaces in between sessions, and for baby sessions (sitters/crawlers) I do a floor cleaning just before the session too.
  • I do laundry between each session; all of those blankets, fake furs, tiny clothes, etc it’s all washable for a reason.
  • Kim, my newborn assistant, and I all wash our hands a LOT! Did you know there’s a sink IN my studio space? It makes it really easy for us to keep up on the hand washing. In between washing, you’ll also see us using hand sanitizer (yes, I have a giant bottle, and no, you may not come get it 😉 )
  • Biggest thing though? If any of us, or our kids/husbands are feeling the slightest bit under the weather WE RESCHEDULE! We have always had this policy, and will continue to have it. (Yes, I’m aware some don’t show symptoms with this…)

Bottom line, my studio is likely cleaner and less germy than most places you’ll go this month!

My regular cleanliness aside, I also recognize this is a unique time, and I am all about doing my part to help squash the Coronavirus bell curve, which is why I decided to postpone my Maternity Day for later this month. The way that day was structured had people arriving just as someone else was wrapping up, as well as the sharing of my maternity gowns with no opportunity to wash in between mamas. We’ll reschedule once things have blown over, promise! 

Also, for the time being I am WAIVING my travel fee for any that would feel more comfortable with me coming to their home. This will be in place as long as officials are recommending people keep their distance from others/groups/events, etc.

So how can you help me?

Small business owners like me are worried about our businesses. Yes, we’re worried for the people we love that could not handle COVID 19 well, but we also recognize the very real possibility of this damaging business in the long run.

 If I was still working out of my home, I would be disappointed at the lack of work, but I wouldn’t be anxious. Right now, I’m anxious (and I am not an anxious person). I have rent to pay, whether working or not, and of course this is all coming right on the heels of my slow time of year. Other small businesses (retail, coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques, etc) are all in the same boat.

Ways you can help:

  • Keep interacting with our social media posts; it helps keep us in the forefront of people’s minds for when life returns to normal!
  • Book your session now for sometime later this year, or go ahead and grab one of the spring mini sessions happening in May (they’ll be outside).
  • Know you’ll do a session in the next year, but don’t know when or what type yet? Go ahead and buy a gift card, and then cash it in when ready to schedule (full length or mini!) Gift certificates can be bought online!
  • When you hear/see people asking for a photographer (remember, I’ll do pretty much anything except weddings and boudoir), please give them my name! 

For those that have reached out and expressed concern for me already, THANK YOU! It means a lot that you notice and recognize this could be really hard business-wise. Here’s hoping the measures being taken in Kansas City help ease the COVID 19 spread, and that we can all look back on “that crazy time everything was cancelled….”

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Serving the Kansas City metro, both in studio and on location


4569 Indian Creek Pkwy, Overland Park, KS 66207