
A Faces You Love Family Session

I love my newborn and baby sessions, but I love seeing families return just as much! A big, driving force behind my decision to begin limiting my child/family sessions (starting in 2017) to families I’ve previously photographed is so that I have time for all of you. I want you to still have an amazing experience, and I realized I’d be stretching myself too thinly in the future if I continued on the way I have been. More about that whole change can be read here

On to this precious family though! I first met them 3 years ago, and their two girls delighted me to no end! Time passed, and a second portrait session was set up for this fall. Ready to see how much their girls grew in those 3 years?


Still such beautiful, sweet, delightful girls!

We had a wonderful Saturday morning at one of my favorite locations! Below are just some of the favorites from our time together. Which do you think is your favorite? Can you even pick just one? We sure couldn’t!


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Serving the Kansas City metro, both in studio and on location

913-669-7318 helen@facesyoulove.com

4569 Indian Creek Pkwy, Overland Park, KS 66207